Album Review

Tell Jimmy

Pip Millett

By Erik | March 1, 2024
5.0 / 10
Tell Jimmy

If you're not familiar with Pip Millet, she's a British artist who rose to notoriety in 2018 when she released her debut single, "Make My Cry". Since then, she come into her own with a unique and soulful sound that can be heard throughout her work. Her latest project, "Tell Jimmy," is a follow to her debut album, "When Everything Is Better, I'll Let You Know," and it provides a view into someone going through a breakup. 

The project starts with "Talk about us," an introspective view into a relationship lost, with the feeling of not knowing the person or being liked within the relationship. All the while trying to get over the person while fighting thoughts about them. This is a song that most people can connect with on some level if they've ever had a relationship fail.

Transitioning into "Fight You", a different perspective from the point of view of a "situationship" that didn't work out. She sings, "He knows I'm more than just a friend" and "And I don't wanna be nobody else's," highlighting she was catching feelings that weren't reciprocated.  The main point is that his not wanting the same thing makes her want to fight him.

Providing another angle of heartbreak, "Eating out" speaks of infidelity with the guy being out in the street pleasing someone else. Throughout the chorus, she sings of how she deserves more than what she has been getting from the situation. Rae Khalil provides vocals in the third verse, adding that the guy wants to get back, but what they had, they'll never get back again. 

"Miss you" is a well-balanced duet with Maverick Sabre about a relationship that didn't work, and Pip realizes she's better off without it while Maverick sings of making all the mistakes. This song gives the feeling of one person breaking the other down while hoping they will stay regardless of the mistakes they keep making.

The final song, "Tell Jimmy," is the closure song, recognizing what was once was no longer good for her and that she's fine. No longer in pain and fine with the outcome of their relationship. An ending of healing after the previous 4 songs that would break most people, she was able to move on. 

Overall, this was a great listen that followed from one song to the next without a single skip. The soulfulness in her voice pulls you into each word she sings, allowing you to connect with what she's saying, especially if you've been here before or are currently there. I recommend listening to this EP, as it's a quick 15-minute project.  


  • #EP
  • #Break Ups